Nisha Rajagopal’s Journey with Asha

Nisha Rajagopal discovered a sense of community and purpose through Asha when she moved to the U.S. in 2002. Her journey with Asha took off in 2010 after connecting with Team Asha runners in St. Louis. Inspired by their dedication, Nisha began her own fitness journey, training for a half marathon and raising funds for Asha.

Nisha’s deeper involvement with Asha began as she trained with Team Asha runners in St. Louis, where she was inspired by stories from fellow volunteers. One story that particularly moved her was about SEED, a project in Tamil Nadu that provided education and shelter for children of prisoners. A disabled child, whose parents were serving life sentences, was educated through this program, passed his 12th exams, and got into college, paving the road for his success.

Motivated by these impactful stories, Nisha took on a more active role within Asha. She initially stepped up as the website administrator for Asha St. Louis and eventually led the chapter until 2021, bringing together the energy needed to coordinate volunteer efforts.

In 2021, Nisha moved to Seattle and continued her commitment to Asha, now serving on the PR and new volunteer orientation team, where she helps onboard new volunteers. Reflecting on her experiences, Nisha emphasizes the value of Asha’s work: “Knowing Asha from both outside and from within, I have always been able to see the sincerity, the transparency, and the impact of the work. The efforts are high quality, the response is thoughtful, and the money creates positive changes both at the individual and community levels.”


If Nisha’s story has you inspired, reach out today to your Asha for Education chapter and start your volunteering journey!




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